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Using Code Snippets Plugin

Discover the process of installing the code snippets plugin on your WordPress website and start using it.

Ramesh avatar
Written by Ramesh
Updated over a week ago

What is a code snippet plugin ?

The Code Snippets plugin is a WordPress tool that lets you add and manage small pieces of code on your website without modifying theme files directly. It provides an organized and user-friendly way to incorporate custom functionality/ small codes.

Why using code snippets?

  • Code snippets eliminate the necessity of directly adding custom snippets to your theme's functions.php file.

  • During a theme update, overwritten files are erased, requiring you to add the snippets again, which can be confusing and time-consuming.

  • By using code snippets, you can avoid this repetitive process and save time.

Downloading and installing code snippets plugin:

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard β†’ Plugins β†’ Add new

  • Search for the plugin β€œCode snippets”

  • Click "Install Now" to install the plugin

  • Activate the plugin

After successfully activating the plugin, let's explore how to get started with it.

Step 1: To add the code snippets, go to Snippets --> Add New.

Step 2: Provide a suitable title, then copy and paste the code snippet provided by our team. Save the changes and activate the snippet.

Step 3: You have the option to enable or disable the added snippets at any time.

Adding snippets to your website using this plugin is considered one of the simplest approaches.

Next Steps:

You may find these helpful guides useful:

Watch this video for a detailed demonstration on how to add snippets:

Still unclear ?

If you need any assistance, please create a support request at our ticket system. We are always happy to assist you :)

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