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General Settings

Learn about the various front-end display options available with the setting page.

Haripradeepa Senthilkumar avatar
Written by Haripradeepa Senthilkumar
Updated over a week ago


The purpose of the display settings offered by the Checkout Upsell plugin is to provide front-end display options for the campaigns and their related information to appear on the product pages, cart pages, and checkout pages of an online store.

Display options available are,

  1. License

  2. Campaigns

  3. Offer

  4. Compatibility

With these display options, the customers can easily understand the campaigns offered on products, and the store owners can effectively promote their products and increase sales.

Please note that before proceeding, you must have installed and activated the Checkout Upsell. It is important to note that some of the settings require the PRO version.

Let's get started,


Enter or Paste the license key in the provided field and click the 'Verify' button.

Ensure there are no spaces before or after the key.

Note: A license key is necessary to access automatic updates.

Here is the screenshot indicating the License key:



Enable permalink on product title and image:

Activate the permalink for product titles and images. When customers click on a product title or image, they'll be redirected to the product details page in a new browser tab.

Discount calculate from:

Decide whether the discount should be computed based on the regular price or the sale price.

Cart Upsells

Offer Display Location:

Set a default location for displaying offers on the cart page. For individual campaigns, different locations can be selected.

Checkout Upsells

Offer Display Location:

Set a default location for showcasing offers at the checkout. Different display points can be chosen for each campaign.

Cart & Checkout Upsells

Smart Offer Display:

Offers will be hidden if the promoted product is already in the cart.

Offer Display Mode:

Designate specific campaign offers to be showcased at particular locations.

Maximum number of offers a customer can pick at a time:

Control the number of offers a customer can choose simultaneously. For instance, if two offers appear at checkout, you might restrict a customer to selecting only one of the two.


Choose when the offer will be displayed:

Choose between displaying offers "Before payment" (which adds the selected offer to the current order) or "After payment" (which generates a separate order for the offer).

Note: Offers after purchase will not be shown for unsupported payment gateways.

Display order status notice to customers:

Enable notifications on the offer page to update customers about their order status.

Frequently Bought Together

Product Display Location:

Determine the default position for showcasing frequently bought-together items on a product page, with the flexibility to select different locations for each campaign.

Maximum number of products to display:

Set a cap on the number of frequently bought together items (excluding the main product) displayed on a product page.

Double the Order

Action Display Location:

Designate the default location for the "double the order" option during checkout, with alternate location choices for various campaigns.

Thank You Upsells

Product Display Location:

Set the default position for product showcases on the Thank You page, allowing different placements for individual campaigns.

Maximum number of products to display:

Restrict the number of products presented on the Thank You page.

Upsell Pop-ups

Maximum number of products to display:

Determine the maximum number of products to showcase in an upsell popup.

Next Order Coupon

Coupon display location on Emails:

Set the default location for displaying next-order coupons in emails, with alternate placements available for individual campaigns.

Coupon display location on Thank you page:

Decide on the default location for showcasing next-order coupons on the Thank You page, and select different locations for various campaigns.

Coupon display location on My Account page:

Designate the default spot for next order coupons on the My Account page, offering flexibility with different campaign placements.

List Page

Number of campaigns list per page:

Choose the number of campaigns to showcase per page in the campaign list.

Here is the screenshot indicating the Campaign's general settings:


Cart Page:

Cart upsell offers

Purpose: Display Cart Upsell offers on the cart page.

Shortcode: [cuw_cart_upsells]

Checkout Page:

Checkout upsell offers

Purpose: Display Checkout Upsell offers on the checkout page.

Shortcode: [cuw_checkout_upsells]

Important: The [cuw_offers] shortcode has been deprecated since v1.3.2. Use the above shortcode instead.

Product Page:

Frequently bought together

Purpose: Display products frequently bought together.

Shortcode: [cuw_fbt]

Post-purchase Offer Page:


Purpose: Display notices (WooCommerce).

Shortcode: [cuw_notices]

Offer Expiry Notice

Purpose: Show the offer expiration notice with a countdown timer.

Shortcode: [cuw_offer_expire_notice]

Offer Expiry Message

Purpose: Display the offer expiration message instead of the notice.

Shortcode: [cuw_offer_expire_message]

Offer Title

Purpose: Display the offer title.

Shortcode: [cuw_offer_title]

Offer Price

Purpose: Show the offer price (product sale price).

Shortcode: [cuw_offer_price]

Offer Description

Purpose: Display the offer description.

Shortcode: [cuw_offer_description]

Offer Form

Purpose: Display an offer form containing inputs like quantity and an "accept offer" button.

Shortcode: [cuw_offer_form]

Product Quantity

Purpose: Display the offer product quantity text or input.

Shortcode: [cuw_product_quantity]

Product Variants

Purpose: Display the offer product variant select option.

Shortcode: [cuw_product_variants]

Offer Accept Button

Purpose: Show the "accept offer" CTA button.

Note: Ensure both the [cuw_product_quantity] and [cuw_product_variants] shortcodes are present on the offer page for correct functionality.

Shortcode: [cuw_offer_accept_button]

Offer Decline Link

Purpose: Display a link to decline or skip the offer.

Shortcode: [cuw_offer_decline_link]

Offer Decline URL

Purpose: Provide a URL to decline or skip the offer.

Shortcode: [cuw_offer_decline_url]

Offer Product Title

Purpose: Display the title of the offer product.

Shortcode: [cuw_product_title]

Offer Product Image

Purpose: Show the image of the offer product.

Shortcode: [cuw_product_image]

Here is the screenshot indicating the shortcodes:


The compatibility has been given to the following plugins

  • Discount rules for WooCommerce - by Flycart

  • WooCommerce Subscription - by WooCommerce

Here is the screenshot indicating the compatible plugins,

Some of the Settings discussed above require PRO.

Next Steps:

You may also want to check out these helpful guides:

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