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Sale Tag / Dynamic Sale Badge

Discover how to enable or disable sale tags on discounted products using the Discount Rules for Woocommerce plugin.

Ramesh avatar
Written by Ramesh
Updated over a year ago


Sale Tag/ Dynamic Sale Badge is a feature that helps e-commerce businesses indicate to customers that a product is on sale or discounted. It is a visual element that appears on a product's image and can be customized to show the percentage discount for price based rules (which includes Product Adjustment, Bulk Discount, Bundle (Set) discount and BOGO rules).

The feature can be enabled using the Discount Rules for Woocommerce plugin. This allows businesses to help customers make informed purchase decisions and promote their products more effectively.

This document covers the following topics in detail:

  • Definition of Sale Tag for WooCommerce On Sale products

  • Enable/ disable the Sale Badge for products with discounts set through Discount Rules for WooCommerce

  • Options available in On-sale badge settings.

  • Customizing the Sale Tag/ Badge text

  • Displaying “Sale!” badge for products that have a discount through Discount Rules for Woocommerce plugin

  • Displaying Percentage Sale Badge (for example: 10%) for products that have a discount through Discount Rules for Woocommerce plugin

  • How does the Percentage Sale Badge work with multiple rules for the same products?

  • Showing different sale tags/ badges for products already on sale (via WooCommerce) and for products that have a discount through the plugin

To display a Sale Badge, install and activate our free pack Discount Rules for WooCommerce. We are happy to let you know that Free Pack is sufficient to enable the Sale Badge feature, but the PRO pack offers more advanced features.

Now, let's cover the above topics one by one in detail.

1. Definition of Sale Tag for WooCommerce On Sale products:

Woocommerce Sale Tag is a visual badge or label that appears on the product image of On Sale products set via WooCommerce. It indicates that the product is currently discounted or on sale, and this feature is available by default in WooCommerce.

To simply put, WooCommerce shows a Sale badge (a.k.a, Sale tag), when your product has both

  • Regular Price

  • Sale Price

In the above image,

  • Regular Price is $250

  • Sale Price is $150

As you can see, the Sale price is lower than the Regular price. So WooCommerce treats this product as on SALE!. It shows a SALE badge on top of the product image as shown in the below screenshot.

2. Enable/ disable the Sale Badge for products with discounts set through Discount Rules for WooCommerce:

Go to WordPress backend -> WooCommerce -> Discount Rules -> Settings -> Product -> On-sale badge.

Choose the anyone of the available option to enable/ disable sale badge.

3. Options available in On-sale badge settings are:

  • Show only after a rule condition is matched exactly

  • Show on products that are covered under any discount rule in the plugin

  • Do not show

Show only after a rule condition is matched exactly : This option enables the sale badge only when the condition is matched exactly.

For example, if you have a discount rule for buying 5 or more caps to get 10% off, the sale badge will only be displayed when the cart contains 4 or more quantities of caps.

Show on products that are covered under any discount rule in the plugin: This option enables the sale badge regardless of whether the condition is met or not.

Let's see with the same example : If you have a discount rule for buying 5 or more caps to get 10% off, the sale badge will be displayed immediately even if there are no products in the cart.

Do not show: This option disables the sale badge for discounted products set through the plugin.

4. Customizing the Sale Tag/ Badge text:

  • You have the option to customize the "text" on the SALE! Badge.

The default style supported by WooCommerce is

<span class="onsale">Sale!</span>

You are however free to change the text


<span class="onsale">OFFER!</span>

or even add an HTML snippet for more advanced customization.

IMPORTANT!: Change/customize the HTML elements only you know what you are doing.

  • Does your theme also have an override? Do you wish to force override the label?

This can be done using the second checkbox “Force override the label for sale badge (useful when your theme has override for sale badge).”

  • Display percentage discount on Sale badge:

To display a percentage discount on the sale badge, enable the "I would like to display percentage in sale badge" checkbox.

Note: The % badge is only for price-based rules like Product Adjustment, Bulk Discount, Bundle (Set) Discount, BOGO rules. It will only be shown on products covered by the discount rule when the rule condition is met. Otherwise, the default "Sale!" badge will be displayed.

5. Displaying “Sale!” badge for products that have a discount through Discount Rules for Woocommerce plugin:

Let’s take a scenario: 10% discount on Shoe Category on the whole cart.

Rule configuration:

Configurations :

Choose “Cart Adjustment” as Discount type, “Category” in the Filter section, select category as “Shoes” by entering few characters of that category and set Percentage discount as “10” (You also have options like All products, products, attributes, tags in the filter section and can also have Fixed discounts)

Now, let’s see how, sale badge shows for this cart based rule.

For cart-based rules like Cart Adjustment like above, the "Sale!" tag will be enabled for products in the Shoe category, not the % badge. As we saw above, the % badge is only for price-based rules like Product Adjustment, Bulk Discount, Bundle (Set) Discount, BOGO rules.

Here is a screenshot of the shop page with the "Sale!" badge enabled on Shoe category products via a cart adjustment rule:

6. Displaying a percentage sale badge (e.g. 10%) for products with discounts through the Discount Rules for WooCommerce plugin:

Let’s take two scenarios:

  • Store wide 10% off

  • Buy 5 or more quantities and get 20% off

Scenario 1: Store wide 10% off

Rule configuration:

Configurations :

Choose “Product Adjustment” as Discount type, “All Products” in the Filter section as this discount is store-wide and set Percentage discount as “10” (You also have options like categories, products, attributes, tags in the filter section and can also have Fixed discounts)

Now, let’s see how, sale badge shows this price based rule (Product Adjustment).

For this price based rule, percentage sale badge will be enabled for products which have a discount set via our plugin.

Here is a screenshot of the shop page with the "10%" badge enabled on all products (store wide discount) via a product adjustment rule:

Scenario 2: Buy 5 or more quantities and get 20% off

Rule configuration:

Configurations include:

Choose “Bulk Discount” as Discount type, “All Products” in the Filter section, set minimum quantity as 5 and percentage discount as “20” as first range. (You also have options like categories, products, attributes, tags in the filter section and add additional ranges using the “Add Range” button).

Now, let’s see how the sale badge shows for this price based rule (Bulk Discount).

Since ours is a dynamic sale badge, the percentage badge will be shown on products only when condition matches (ie.., when the cart has 4 quantities next immediate product adding to the cart is eligible for the discount and this will trigger the percentage sale badge to be shown on products)

Here is a screenshot of the shop page with the "Sale!" badge enabled on all products (store wide discount) via a Bulk Discount rule while cart is empty (before condition gets matched) :

Here is a screenshot of the shop page with the "20%" badge enabled on all products (store wide discount) via a Bulk Discount rule while cart has 4 quantities (while condition gets matched) :

Please note that this dynamic sale badge is similar for all types of price based rules (which includes Product Adjustment, Bulk Discount, Bundle (Set) discount and BOGO rules) and can be displayed only while condition matches.

Also, if the discount is applied from the very first quantity, then the % sale badge will be shown on all products from the very first quantity.

7. How does the Percentage Sale Badge work with multiple rules for the same products?

The Percentage Sale Badge works based on the priority settings you choose when there are multiple rules enabled for the same product. For example, if you set the priority to "Biggest one from matched rule" and have rules for 20% and 30% off, the 30% off Percentage Sale Badge will be displayed on the product.

You can adjust the priority settings under "Apply Discount" in the Discount Rules plugin settings.

You can find this priority settings under:

Go to WordPress dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Discount Rules -> Settings -> General -> Apply Discount”

8. Showing different sale tags/ badges for products already on sale (via WooCommerce) and for products that have a discount through the plugin:

To show different sale badge for woocommerce "onsale" products and products which have discount via our plugin:

Step 1: You can exclude woocommerce "onsale" products from discount.

Here is an example screenshot rule configuration:

Configurations :

Choose “Product Adjustment” as Discount type, “All Products” as first filter and exclude “Onsale” products in the second filter using the “Add filter” option and set Percentage discount as “10”

Step 2: From the settings tab you can disable the "force override" checkbox, so that different sale badges will be displayed for Woocommerce Onsale products and products which have discounts via our plugin.

Here is the screenshot showing the settings:

Now, let’s see how the sale badge is reflected on Woocommerce Onsale products and for products that have discounts set through the plugin.

Here is the screenshot of shop page showing different sale badge:

If you're looking for additional features, consider upgrading to our PRO version.

Next Steps:

Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful:

Check out the following video tutorial to have an overview about Sale Badge:

Still unclear ?

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